Locate submission instructions for a Springer journal

Editorial contacts and other information for authors can be found on the dedicated home page for each journal. 

You may locate the journal of interest on SpringerLink using the search box or via the Index.

Example: Journal of Geodesy:Example Homepage of the Journal of Geodesy. Displays For Authors section which includes "Submit manuscript" button and submission tools

For most journal homepages you will find the following tools for manuscript submissions:

  • "Submission guidelines": This will allow you to read the submission guidelines for the specific journal and to upload your manuscript files.
  • "Manuscript editing services" : Additional offers to increase the quality of your article. 
  • "Ethics and Disclosures" about the journal.
  • "Open Access fees and funding": information about Open Access publishing in the respective journal. 
  • "Contact the journal": relevant contacts for each step of the publication process.
  • "Submit manuscript" This will allow you to go directly to the submission portal link for the journal.

For further help please contact authorsupport@springernature.com

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