SpringerLink / Springer username and password concerns

Username and password

Your Springer account username for access to Springer and SpringerLink website is the email address used to register.

If you cannot remember your password, please use the forgotten password option and a link will be emailed to you immediately from mail@springer-sbm.com. Then, click on the link to choose a new password. If you do not receive the email in your inbox within a few minutes, please check your junk and spam folders.

If you continue to have problems accessing the site, please log a support ticket and our Online Service team will endeavour to assist.


Email address doesn't match our records / try again error message 

This means you do not have a Springer account associated with that email address. Please sign up and create an account. If you encounter problems with signing up for an account, contact Institutional Support through the webform.

Unable to access email address registered to account 

If the email address registered to you is no longer accessible/valid and you are unable to log into your account to change it, please contact Institutional Support for assistance. In order for us to provide a quicker reply, please include the old email address details and any subscriptions, organizations etc. that the account may be associated with.


If you are an Administrator, Author, Editorial Board member, new subscriber (via a society or personal), then a dormant SpringerLink account has been automatically created for your email address. When this happens a new account activation email is then sent to your registered email address. This email will include an activation link to activate your account. Check if you have received this email (it may appear in your SPAM/junk mail folder). If the original email was not received; or otherwise is lost/missing, then please contact Institutional Support and we will send you a new one.

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