Manage membership for an organisation on SpringerLink

  1. Log into the Admin Dashboard
  2. Go to tab 'Other access methods'
  3. Click on the icon "All associated users (.csv)" to download a complete list of all current associated users. 
  • To remove a user, search for their name or email address in the search box and click on the "remove"" icon that appears to the right of the expiry date of the association.
  • To make changes to administrators please contact Institutional Support.
  • A new User can be "associated" in one of two ways. If the automatic association of new users is enabled for your organisation then anyone who creates a new user account while within your registered IP ranges will automatically be associated. Secondly as an Admin you can also associate members by sending them an association code via email.

Red circles highlight key buttons within the Associated Users widget: searching and removing users.

Tip: If you are the administrator for more than one account/organisation you can change which account you are working with by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the account name at the top of the page.

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