Further information about setting up via Okta, and the Springer Service Provider is available on our Single Sign-On Access page.
When you are entering the SP details in the SAML settings section you can use the following:
Single Sign on URL: https://fsso.springer.com/federation/Consumer/metaAlias/SpringerServiceProvider
(plus tick the 'Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL' box)
Audience URI (SP Entity ID): https://fsso.springer.com
Default RelayState: https://link.springer.com
Further information about setting up via Okta, and the Nature Service Provider details can be found on our Single Sign-On Access to Nature page.
When you are entering the SP details in the SAML settings section you can use the following:
Single Sign on URL: https://secure.nature.com/oa/auth/rcv/saml2/post
(plus tick the 'Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL' box)
Audience URI (SP Entity ID): https://secure.nature.com/shibboleth
Default RelayState: https://www.nature.com

Please ensure you follow the instructions in the Okta set-up documentation and that you send us your Entity Id and Metadata to our Institutional Support Team.
Please note that if you have both Springer and Nature then they will have differing Entity Ids and associated Metadata so you will need to send us both.
The user experience, if you have both Springer and Nature set up with Okta, will also need to be considered. Information is available on our Single Sign On OKTA page.