Authors who have changed their name for reasons such as gender transition, religious conversion and others may request for their name, pronouns, and other relevant biographical information to be amended on works published prior to the change. Authors can choose for this correction to happen silently, without notification of the name change in either the pdf or the html of the paper, or alternatively they may do so by a formal public Correction, which will be visible on both the pdf and html versions of the published manuscript.
- If you are an author and would like to request a name change please complete the Inclusive Name Change form.
- Or, if you are an approved institutional representative by the author and are entitled to request the change on their behalf, complete the Institutions: Request Inclusive Name Change Policy Authors form.
When filling in this form: - Please include all works published by Springer Nature (including journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings published by Nature Portfolio, Springer, BMC, Palgrave, Apress, Adis, and other Springer Nature imprints) that you wish to amend.
- You should only fill in the email field for each individual item if there is an email that needs to be amended ― that is, if it contains your previous name. The updated email is to an address that is not associated with any of your affiliations in the manuscript, the email should be deleted rather than amended. Institutional affiliations cannot be amended.
- In addition to your name, please note any initials that appear in Acknowledgements, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest statements or elsewhere in the work that need to be amended.
- For each work, please let us know if there are also any separate supplementary information files that contain your name that need to be amended.
- Please ensure that you update your details in any of our submissions systems (such as EJP, Editorial Manager, SNAPP, ScholarOne) or platforms (,,, that you may be registered with. We are not allowed to change any information held in these systems on behalf of authors. If you don’t have an account with any of these, you can ignore this.
- In addition, book authors whose bank details have changed should contact the [email protected] to update these to ensure that any royalties due are correctly receive.
- To ensure that future references to your work are cited with your correct name, we recommend that you let your co-authors know once the works have been amended.