MARC records in the Librarian Portal “Date modified and record status”

Record statuses

The statuses are about the bibliographic record, not about the book itself. So for example Modified does not mean that the book content has been edited, but that the metadata about the book has changed. 

Bib records are Added on or around the day of publication for books and on or around the day of publication of the first article for journals.

Bib records are Modified when important changes are made to the metadata of the book or journal.

Bib records are marked as Deleted in two situations:

  1. If the book is Retracted. The book will no longer be available to anyone on SpringerLink.

  2. If the book Can not be newly licensed. This happens when we no longer have the right to license the book to libraries. The book will still be available on SpringerLink, and can be accessed by organisations who licensed it in the past.

Workflow examples

Add recently published books to your library system, or update book metadata

For eBook collections, reference modules, and Access & Select, new books are continuously published in the current and any future copyright year. Therefore, you may want to add titles to your catalogue or discovery system from time to time. Also, changes in metadata might be useful to transfer to your system.

  1. Find, in your own notes, the most recent date you added / updated books from us. 

  2. Select the collections or other content you have licensed, as well as the licensed copyright years. 

  3. Under ‘Date modified and record status’ select ‘Starting from’ and choose the date you last added books. Also choose ‘New and modified’.

  4. Make any other filter and format changes you need, and download your records.

Remove retracted books from your library system

  1. Find, in your own notes, the most recent date you removed books from us.
  2. Select the collections or other content you have licensed, as well as the licensed copyright years. 

  3. Under ‘Date modified and record status’ select ‘Starting from’ and choose the date you last removed books. Also choose ‘Only deleted’.

  4. Choose Excel title list as format.

  5. Make any other filter and format changes you need, and download your Excel file.

  6. Open the Excel file and open each DOI URL in a browser.

    1. If the book details are shown, then the book can not be newly licensed, which only impacts new license agreements. Since you have already licensed the title, you should still have access and the book should not be deleted from your system.

    2. If the page shows ‘Page not found’ or ‘DOI not available’, or similar, the book has been Retracted and you can delete it from your system.

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