If your institution is interested in purchasing an institutional site license via a consortium, Springer Nature is here to help. We work with a variety of consortia and networks to provide flexible and customised solutions for your institution's needs.
When working with a consortium, Springer Nature offers the following features:
1. Flexibility in offering customised pricing and titles for each member of the consortium. This allows each member to access the content they need at a price that works for their budget.
2. Access to either aggregated usage statistics or separate statistics per member. This allows for easy tracking of usage and ensures that each member of the consortium can monitor their own usage of the content.
3. Specialised customer service to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during the purchasing process or while using our content.
For more information on how Springer Nature can work with your consortium, please visit the Springer Nature Librarian Gateway. If you require further assistance, you can submit a query to our Online Service team via our webform.
For all questions regarding consortia arrangements, please reach out to the Springer Nature sales team. Contact information can be found on the Librarian Resource Page.
We are committed to providing the best possible service to our consortium partners and look forward to working with your institution to provide access to our content.